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Happy Field Happy Farm : Agricultural Product Development

Project type

Demonstration Project for Product Development


2015 - Present


Phrae, Thailand

From Grassroots to Greatness: Lessons Learned in Local Agriculture

Our journey began with a deep dive into the heart of our hometown. We conducted a series of small-scale pilot projects, transforming our local landscape into a living laboratory and a wide-open playground for experimentation. We embraced every possibility, eager to learn and grow from each experience.

Our Field Lab and Playground :
These pilot projects weren't just research endeavors; they were a hands-on exploration. We treated our hometown as a case study, allowing us to intimately understand every element that could impact our work. This open-minded approach fostered a spirit of exploration, where we were receptive to unexpected results and ready to adapt accordingly.

Pilot Project 1: Happy Field Happy Farm Project (2015 - Present)

This long-term initiative served as a cornerstone for our learning. We tested the hypothesis: "If a local product is developed with Science and Technology, the product would perform better in Sales and be more competitive in the long-run."

Our focus centered on two project:
Tung Arun Germinate Rice (2015 - Present): This ongoing project delves into the science-backed product development of brown rice. The goal is to enhance both its nutritional values and shelf-life through food scientific methods, resulting in a new product in the market called "germinated brown rice", in collaboration with a food scientist and researcher from Maejo University, Phrae Campus.

Hug Kao Hom Na Project (2016): This shorter project, conducted in 2016, explored the possibility of eliminating middlemen in rice sales by directly connecting rice producers with consumers.

Harvesting Knowledge:
The Happy Field Happy Farm Project yielded valuable insights, proving our initial hypothesis partially correct. While the products saw positive sales improvements, a crucial element emerged: brand recognition. Simply having a good product wasn't enough in the competitive market.

Lessons Learned, Paths Forged

This experience unveiled three essential lessons:

Branding is a MUST: Building a strong brand identity became a clear necessity to truly stand out in the marketplace.

Quality First: Unwavering commitment to quality remains paramount. It's the foundation upon which a strong brand is built.

Cost-Effective Technology Adaptation: We learned the importance of adopting technologies that are not only effective but also financially sustainable for our local farmers.

From Playground to Powerhouse:
These pilot projects have been instrumental in shaping our future endeavors. We move forward armed with invaluable knowledge, ready to tackle the challenges and celebrate the triumphs of local agriculture. Our playground has transformed into a powerhouse of innovation, where science, technology, and a deep connection to our roots pave the way for a thriving agricultural future.

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